Urban Legend: An elderly woman, bed-ridden after her husbands death, receives strange phone calls that turn out to be from the dead husband.
The Story:
An elderly woman receives a phone call on a dark, stormy night. She hears a moaning on the other end and a voice that sounds like her recently diseased husband. The calls torment her all night. The next day, she asks her driver to take her past the cemetery where her husband was laid to rest. They discover that during the storm, a phone line had fallen down ...........and was laying on her dead husbands grave! Were the phone calls she had received the night before made from beyond the grave by her dead husband? Another variation of this has the woman dying from shock in her bed after answering the phone call. Then, when she is being taken to the cemetery it is discovered that the phone line is laying on her husbands grave.
This legend has been told as having happened in various parts of the United States but no true origins can be found. A version of this legend showed up as an episode of the Twilight Zone on February 7th,1964, called "Night Call."
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